Thursday, 25 July 2019

Seamstress Custom Sewing Name Tag by Bebops


This name tag features a custom sewing business. The design presents an image of a contemporary abstract fabric pattern in wavy psychedelic rainbow colors of pink, red, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, mauve, purple and turquoise which resembles a painter's palette. . You can easily personalize the text.

Seamstress Custom Sewing Name Tag

Seamstress Custom Sewing Name Tag

Artwork designed by Bebop's Place. Made by Taylor Strategic Accounts in North Mankato, MN. Sold by Zazzle.

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Crash Action Bubble Favor Bag

from The Ninth Art

Rainbow diamond and Cats T-Shirt

Rainbow diamond and Cats T-Shirt

Rainbow diamond and cats. Long haired calico cat facing reflection of herself, against a diamond rainbow burst of blue, purples, pin, orange, yellow, and green.

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